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Using our Planning Checklists

Using our Planning Checklists

Updated on: Apr 13, 2022

We have plenty of planning checklists to use and it can be a bit overwhelming which is why we wanted to make things easier to use. Here are step-by-step instructions to using our checklist so you plan your event with ease.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Using our planning checklists is a breeze. Our comprehensive checklists are event-specific but the instructions are common to all.

To Change a Task

Simply overwrite what’s in the current task box.  This task will have the due date of the original task.

To Add a Task

  • Add another row within the checklist by right clicking on the row number, then clicking ‘insert one above/below’.
  • Merge the three cells within the task box area for uniformity.
  • NOTE: This new task won’t have a due date.  You can add one manually, if you want, and it will still have the properties of turning yellow and red.  You may want to assign someone to this task right away so you know that it’s being taken care of.

To Delete a Task

Simply right-click on the row number, then click delete row.

To Assign People

Type their name in the ‘person assigned’ box.  If you are working with people through google, people can add their own names.

To Filter Information

Click the triangular icon in the title cell of a column, then select criteria.

Here are some common questions you might want to filter for:

  • To see what still needs to get done: Use the ‘Done?’ heading, select ‘FALSE’ for criteria..
  • To see all tasks for a specific person: Use the ‘Person Assigned’ heading, select only that person’s name.
  • To see a specific task type: Use the ‘Task Type’ heading, select only that specific type of task.

To Change a Due Date or Reorder Tasks

If you want to reorder a task, you can manually change the due date.  This will make the task not change due dates if you change your event date, but it will still change colors when the date is approaching or has passed.  If you want the tasks to be in order by the due date with this change, you can drag that row to where it would belong, or sort by the due date.

FAQs on Using Our Planning Checklists

How is the Checklist Sorted? 

Descending date order.

I Accidentally Deleted a Task.  Can I Get It Back? 

If you just deleted it, you can undo the action (ctrl +z). You can also check the last edited version on google sheets and find the version before you deleted the task.

What if the Date I Had Planned for My Event Changes?

You can change the date in the checklist, and it will autoscale to the new date.  This will not apply to tasks you manually edited the date of or new tasks you added yourself.

What Do the Different Task Types Mean (Photography, Attire, Decor, etc.)?

The task types will help you organize who will be completing which part of the event planning process.  For example, you could assign yourself to all of the decorations tasks while one of your friends takes care of all of the tasks related to food.

What if a Task Isn't Relevant for My Event?

You can simply highlight the entire row by placing your cursor on the row's letter on the left and clicking the Delete button. That will remove the content in case you want to add another task in its place. If you want to completely remove the row, simply right-click and choose Delete from the menu.

Questions about Google Sheets Specifically

Unsure about how to use Google Sheets?  Here is a guide to using our checklists and budgets in Google.

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