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11 Effective COVID Wedding Workout Tips

11 Effective COVID Wedding Workout Tips

Updated on: May 05, 2022

It isn’t always easy getting up and doing your daily exercises, especially if the gyms nearby are not open. If you’re planning on motivating yourself to work out before your wedding, check out these ideas for some inspiration during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here you will find new tips and ideas to help you start, or continue, your routine. More tips can be found here.

COVID Wedding Workout Tips by Steps

COVID Wedding Workout Tips by Steps
Source: Unsplash

1. Set a Goal

What’s your motivation for working out? Do you want to start getting into a routine that will continue after the wedding? Do you simply want to be more active? A wedding can be a great way to help motivate yourself to start and continue a new fitness plan. At the same time, don’t pressure yourself to look a certain way. Everyone attending the wedding will simply be excited to celebrate with you, no matter what you decide to do. Be sure to figure out your motivation and set realistic goals before coming up with a plan and remember, it doesn’t hurt to try and start early, the more time you give yourself to devote to exercising the better!

2. Plan for Your Safety

It is important to feel confident and comfortable in your wedding dress or tuxedo, so a pre-wedding workout plan can be a great idea. While trainers were previously available to help you at the gym, many gyms are closed during this time. Check out your state’s reopening plan to see if your local gyms are open or opening soon. If they are not, many trainers have released smartphone applications that you can download and use virtually. Additionally, YouTube and trainer blogs are great resources. Make sure, above all, you are safe during your workouts.

Give yourself enough time to safely get into shape. Fad diets and hardcore workouts over a short period of time will do nothing but burn you out. Be sure to follow social distancing guidelines if working out outside or in a gym. Wear a mask when necessary to keep yourself and others safe.

3. Research Beforehand

One of the best things you can do when you start a fitness journey is a research and reading. Look for exercises that will target the specific areas you want to improve. With less access to machines, find exercises that use your body weight, or get creative with the objects around your house. For example, full water bottles can serve as small weights to increase the intensity of your workout. Fully understanding how to do each type of workout will prevent you from injury, and help you see results much quicker. 

4. Develop a Schedule

Once you have your goals all figured out it's time to plan out how to reach them. Creating a schedule is an important step in reaching any long or short-term goal in your target time frame, so you shouldn’t skip out on it. Having workouts planned ensures that you can fit them into your daily routines without the stress of missing any. You can even take this a step further and put your schedule into something like Google Calendars and get notifications when it's time for a workout. Of course, physical calendars work too if that's your preference.

5. Baby Steps

You can improve your health by sticking to the plan you create. However, it can be hard to keep to a strict schedule. To help yourself stick with it, set goals that are small and realistic. Reaching one of your goals will encourage you to keep going.

For example, set a goal of being able to do 20 push-ups by the end of the month. Each day is sure to do different exercises that work up to that, such as five pushups every day for the first week. Over the next three weeks, increase the number by five. By building in small steps, you’ll be able to hit much bigger goals.

Just remember to keep at it according to your schedule and keep it consistent. You know what they say, “Life is not a sprint, it’s a marathon”.

6. Write it Down

Keep a notebook for you to record your goals on paper. This way, you will not forget or change them. Try logging your workouts each day in the notebook so you can see your improvements. Record your achievements, as well as areas in which you can improve. Keeping a record also leaves you room to add some variety to your workouts to keep things feeling fresh. This could include using new variations of previous workouts or even using different equipment. Just remember to keep your basic movements (Pushups, Rows, etc.) the same to keep the consistency of your schedule. You can also write down how you feel like the countdown to your special day continues.

7. Have Incentives

Every time you reach a new goal, reward yourself with something that makes you feel good. This could be going on a nice hike nearby or watching a fun movie. Another possible incentive is getting more sleep, which is very beneficial for your health. Set a day where you plan your schedule around sleeping in. Whatever incentive you choose, be sure it is not going to hinder your progress. Although unhealthy incentives may be tempting, remind yourself they will do more harm than good in the long run.

8. Involve Others

Oftentimes, working out is easier when done with someone else, besides your personal trainer. Get some friends, family, other brides/grooms-to-be, or even your fiancé involved in your workout sessions, but make sure to follow your state and the CDC’s health guidelines. Follow social distancing recommendations, wear a mask, wash your hands, and drive separately. Getting others involved will not only make the workout more fun but will also be a great bonding experience before the big day. 

9. Activity Anywhere

You may be surprised to find that you can increase your fitness levels even while the fitness centers are not open. Some great alternatives are running at the local park, creating a “gym” area in your house, or swimming if you have access to a beach or pool. Look for HIIT workouts online if you are pressed for time. They can be completed in a short amount of time and with limited equipment, all the while being very effective. Even small actions such as taking the stairs, or standing instead of sitting, can help you stay active and energized.

10. Stray from Weaknesses

A large part of any fitness routine should be healthy eating. As part of your research, be sure to look online for healthier meal alternatives. For example, instead of eating milk chocolate, opt for dark chocolate. Look for things in your current diet that you can easily get rid of, such as alcohol, candy, or processed meats. Contact a nutritionist if you’re looking to make more intense changes. This is necessary to be sure the changes are healthy and you are going to have the necessary calories to fuel your workouts. 

11. Maintain Your Brain

Your mind plays a role in attaining a healthy body before the big day as well. Two things are very important to remember while you are following your fitness plan. First, keep a good attitude and your effort will get you far. Second, having a positive outlook will keep you motivated to continue to wake up and do those workouts. Meditation can be a helpful tool to keep your mind at ease and keep you on track. All it takes is about 5 minutes at the start of your day and 5 minutes at night and you’ll quickly start feeling more relaxed and motivated.


A healthy mind and body will do wonders for your confidence and daily life. Additionally, it will help you work through the stress and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many new and creative ways to stay active. Find the activities that you loved doing previously, and you are sure to come up with a way to continue doing them safely and healthily.

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Written by Annette Girion and Caitlin Connell; Contributors: Anna Wertman, Darian Kukral, and Patrick Fernandes